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Frequently Asked Questions

I have tried exercises before but it did not work.  Why will your treatment plan work?

An exercise programme can fail for several reasons:

  • It was the wrong diagnosis and therefore the wrong exercises. We combine our experience in treating elite sports athletes with a detailed evaluation to provide you with a diagnosis.

  • It was the wrong intensity or type of exercise for that stage of the healing process. We provide you with ongoing support and adjust your rehabilitation programme if it is required.

  • You did not get a timely review or support throughout the programme. We are all different and what works for one person may have a totally different effect on the next. With Zav Works you have ongoing and convenient access to your physiotherapist and we encourage frequent communication between all parties. This way we can quickly identify the affects of certain exercise and make appropriate adjustments.

  • You did not follow a graded return to sport. Whilst we always aim to help you return to sport as soon as possible, it is very important to do this in a gradual manner. We have years of clinical experience in helping people return to sport in a safe and effective manner.



What happens on my first visit?

To be able to treat you effectively, a physiotherapist must fully understand the complaint and how it is affecting you. We will therefore start by asking you lots of questions regarding the onset and history of the condition, your past medical history, medications, hobbies and activities, particularly those that you wish to get back doing.

We will then carry out a physical examination to localise the structure at fault. We may ask you to expose the area of discomfort but will respect your wishes if you decline for any reason. The assessment will take account of the severity and irritability of your condition always aiming to avoid aggravating your symptoms.

We will then come up with a diagnosis and advise you on treatment options and their effectiveness. Greater results are achieved when you and your physiotherapist can work together towards a common goal.



What should I wear?

It is advisable to bring comfortable clothing which you can easily move in. It is usually helpful for us to access the problem area directly, for example, wear shorts to assess the legs and short sleeve tops to assess arms. Females may be asked to remove their tops for assessing neck, shoulder or back complaints so are advised to wear a suitable bra. However, please do inform the  physiotherapist if you are unhappy about removing certain clothing for whatever reason.



Do I need a GP referral?

No, you are able to self refer to the service. Just give us a call on 07885 734813 or e-mail



How many treatments will I need?

This usually depends on factors such as how long the problem has been present, the severity of the condition and also the requirements of the patient. For example, a person wishing to get back to training for a specific sport or event may require a longer course of treatment for a knee injury than a sedentary office-worker.

A fairly standard course of physiotherapy would be 4-6 treatment sessions but this can vary considerably. A person seeking advice on what they should and shouldn’t be doing in relation to their condition or problem might just attend for 1-2 sessions to be shown some specific exercises and receive some general management advice for their condition. Similarly an individual with a relatively minor injury might just need a few treatments to assess their condition and alleviate their symptoms. At the other end of the scale, a patient receiving treatment post-operatively or for a condition that has been present for some time may require treatment over a longer period to see them through to full rehabilitation



How do I know if a physiotherapist is fully qualified?

As a Chartered Physiotherapist, Alex has undergone the required training and passed the necessary exams to enable him to practice. You can look up his registration on the HCPC website ( 'Check the Register'. Choose Physiotherapist and search Zavallis-Roebuck



How do I change or cancel my booking time?

Up to 5 hours before start of booking:

Booking dates and times can be changed or cancelled free of charge up to 5 hours before the booking is due to start. Please email us at or send us a message using the number provided 07885734813 if you want to change your booking.


Between 5 hours and the of booking:

If you want to change a booking between 5 and 1 hours of its start time, you can do so once free of charge.

If you cancel a consultation booking between 5 and 1 hours of its start time or fail to attend the appointment, a £20 cancellation fee will be applied.

To avoid this fee please do contact us via email at or send us a message using the number provided 07885734813 at the earliest point.



How do I pay and can it be via card?

We accept all methods of payment. All debit/credit cards can be used via chip and pin or contactless including Apple/Android PAY



Can I claim the cost of my physiotherapy on my private medical insurance?

Zav Works is not currently recognised by the major private health insurance companies



Can I bring someone with me?

You are very welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment and they can sit in on the consultation and treatment with you if you wish.



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